Wednesday, February 18, 2009

FaceBook - Are They Crazy or Are We?

FaceBook recently took some heat for changing their "Terms of Service" (TOS) to overtly declare perpetual ownership of content on their website (including photos). This created quite a "stink" with the millions (or more) FaceBook users around the world. As you know, people post pictures of themselves, friends and even their kids on their FB web pages. It seems that the old TOS statement did not assert ownership over content after a person left FB or discontinued their membership. However, the newly adapted TOS did claim some degree of ownership.

I can understand the "YIKES!" sentiment felt by some of the users. Frankly, I never used the service until today when I joined - only to see updated pictures of my friend’s new baby. So in essence, the entire deal is new to me. Heck, I discovered Blogs a few weeks ago! But there is a part of me that's a bit perplexed about this situation. Here's why: anything, including pictures and verbiage, posted on the World-Wide-Web implies a question of ownership in my opinion. Sure the TOS "promises" that they will not read or use your stuff, but common sense tells me NOT to put anything on the web that I don't want snatched, viewed or stolen. C'mon! It's a reality that breaches occur.

In all fairness to FB they amended their TOS to further comfort the worried users. In fact, they are making it explicitly clear that they do not own your stuff and that the CEO wants you to "trust him" with your content. (See Yahoo article at, still. Stuff can still be stolen and used for unintended purposes. It's the Internet for crying out loud!

Who's crazy? Us for thinking our stuff is secure? Or them for changing their policy?
What do you think?

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