Monday, November 9, 2009

Talk to your kids about sex

Talk to your kids about sex

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1 comment:

  1. FYI
    My son attends the North KC School District and he brought home a small yellow pocket sized book called the "Teen Yellow Pages" from school. The small pamphlet was from the Health Dept for Clay, Platte (sorry I forgot the 3rd county).

    This book had the works sex, drugs, dz's, where to go for B/C (yes birth control)& condoms, safe places to go when followed or involved in date rape, etc.

    Good info, but way too soon for my 12 year old. I know all kids are not at the same speed and you have to reach some of them anyway you can. However, all kids are not interested in that and I'm glad my son and I have a good relationship. He gave the book to me before he even read it. (I don't know, he is still nieve to a lot of things thank God)

    Anyway, here's the thing..I would like to have a little heads up before this type of info gets in the hands of my child. Please allow me to brief him before the world does. okay...

    Nonetheless, I called the principle to talk about informing parents about such hand outs and she agreed that the book does contain some inappropriate info and will get back with me on the protocol of such hand outs,that is all I ask(O' yeah she wasn't even aware, I told my son to take it back to school for her to see). ....Concerned mom Wp
